Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Our generation is fucked

I have deliberately not commented on the political climate as of late. You see, it’s particularly sad for me, because I used to work in politics. I was the one standing outside the train station in the pissing rain handing out leaflets that got thrown straight in to the recycling on a good day, and shoved straight back in your face on a bad day. I was the one that knocked on doors and got shouted at, spat at, and on one occasion, chased by a quite scary looking dog. I was the one that took calls when members of the public called our head office and called me a disgrace.

I put up with all of the above because I believed in something. I genuinely believed that there must be a better future for our generation. I don’t anymore. And I can’t think of any other way to put this, other than to say, we are fucked. We are fucked because we have no one to trust. Let’s look at the viable options here:

Vote Labour: Vote for a party that is so divided, it doesn’t even know what it represents anymore. Vote for a leader that his own party hate. Vote for a man that’s happy to take money from Iran (which let’s not forget, is a country that has zero respect for human rights.) Vote for a party which is essentially lost.

Vote Conservative: Vote for a Prime Minister that’s happy to cosy up to Trump. Vote for a former home secretary of 8 years who has done nothing to deal with our country’s immigration crisis. Vote for an environment secretary that backs fox hunting.

Vote UKIP: Vote for a man who hates everything the European parliament stand for, but is happy to take money from them (£84k a year by the way.) Vote for a party who want to legalise guns again. Vote for scrapping maternity pay.

[Vote Lib Dem: Do they still exist? I’ll say no more.]

Vote SNP: Vote for lies and self-delusion. Vote for complete incompetence – a government who have been in charge for, what, 9 years now and yet have completely failed the Scottish public. Vote for a first minister who’s own constituency resembles a ghetto, where residents living conditions are completely unacceptable (this is a place where rats, begging children, child sex workers and frequent rapes are the new normal.)

Or vote for nothing, and waive my democratic right.  I’ve often thought a ‘none of the above’ box on the ballot papers might be a good option. But then we’d all just vote for that and nothing would ever get done. For the first time in my life, I am considering not voting in the next election, because to vote for something, I need to believe. I need to trust. I need to want to stand out in the rain and hand out those flyers. And how can I trust any of the main parties right now? If I thought my vote might ignite any sort of positive change in society, then I would. But all I see is gloom for a long time to come. Our generation is fucked, and it makes me feel utterly dejected and depressed. 

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