The truth is, I’m scared of a lot of things. Although I try
not to let fear rule my life, I worry all the time. I worry about work and not
being good enough (appraisal time sets off my anxiety in a big way.) I worry
about family and friends (dying/leaving/drifting apart/being alone.) I worry
about how I appear to other people online. I worry that the cat being sick is
not actually due to hairballs, but some ghastly disease. I worry I'll never taste original Irn Bru again. I worry that if I
finally get to be a Mum, I’ll just be shit at it and my child will hate me. You
get the gist – constant worries.
I’m much better than I used to be and sometimes I’m able to
use mindfulness to stop negative thoughts. But it’s so hard sometimes,
to just live in the moment, and I can’t deny I spent a lot of time thinking
about the past (guilt) and speculating about the future (anxiety.) It’s not
that worrying is taking over my life or anything. I’m happy most of the time.
But I do waste so much time on worrying that I wonder, how much more could I
achieve if I weren’t so afraid?